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We're fully-invested in streaming tech! Meet cSuite...

As you may have noticed, the world has gone virtual over recent months and most of our clients are now active users of streaming and virtual meeting platforms for meetings which would previously have been face-to-face.

As a result, our already well-stocked warehouse shelves are now brimming with encoders, Mac Minis, cameras and more HDMI cables than you could eat! We're using a record number of streaming platforms such as Webex, Zoom, BlueJeans and whatever else our clients throw at us.

So much so, that we're joined forces with some of our developer friends and can now proudly offer cSuite, a fully-functional virtual meeting platform that includes presentations, waiting areas, chat, request to speak, video playback, polling and even multi-language simultaneous interpretation!

If you're growing tired of being locked in by the limitations of your regular platform, make sure you contact us for some advice and a demonstration of cSuite. It's secure and super easy to use!

We've got a healthy stock of Blackmagic ATEM Minis and everything you might need to connect to them!


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